Nomad Forms

Post-Systemism | Post-Post-Euclideanism -A morphogenesis into Nomad Forms- When we unlock the keys to jumping into parallel multiverses. When we can control our dreams, lucid dreams, and adapt them to our egoistic satisfactions, what if we divulge and metamorphose into Nomad Forms.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Dog walk...Story of a Chihuahua and a Bichon ..

It's a beautiful sunday afternoon, and the dog walk event is approaching countdown. Rules were simple, White tie on each dog to walk along their owners in a parade of peace, good will, frinedshipness and probably for "middle eastern reconciliation".
Let's not dwelve into middle eastern complexified fabrication. I'll leave at your eyes, kindly readers of my blog, pictures, some of which are crazy, some funny and others simply cute.
Enjoy and remember, dog is women's (and men's of course) one of best friends.

 that big guy wants to sniff my tiny ass! Mummmyyy!
Tell me, do I look good in this selfie

 Let's roar buddy!

 Sniffing, with pleasure.

 I need you, big guy, to help me get rid of that cute Chihuahua.

 Hi 5, big giant.

 watch out, a elfie is coming!


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