Nomad Forms

Post-Systemism | Post-Post-Euclideanism -A morphogenesis into Nomad Forms- When we unlock the keys to jumping into parallel multiverses. When we can control our dreams, lucid dreams, and adapt them to our egoistic satisfactions, what if we divulge and metamorphose into Nomad Forms.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Nomadising Beirut

Yesternight we implored our ghosts upon beirut's alleys. Wandering around, our city was being ghosticized by shadowy characters. It took us only some time to realize that those shadow are ours. And we saw it was beautiful. Our mobile cams managed to freeze instances and representations of this ghostlicized romanticizing interactions in a yet to be a nomadised city, and we its catalysts/nomadisers.
يا بيروت،الأشكال الرحل زاروكي مبارح ولعبوا بظلاليك وبأضوائك ضحكوا. بشوارعك مشيوا.تعشوا على ألحانك ولياليهن بيض بضو القمر.وجوهن فرحت بالرغم من قلة زوارك لكانوا قلال، قلال ﻷنن هني بس لحبوكي.بيتمنوا منكن اﻷشكال الرحل من الفرجة على صورن وهني وبي بيروت يلي فضيت شوارعها من كل الحؤدين. وما بيبئا الا المحبين.


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