Nomad Forms

Post-Systemism | Post-Post-Euclideanism -A morphogenesis into Nomad Forms- When we unlock the keys to jumping into parallel multiverses. When we can control our dreams, lucid dreams, and adapt them to our egoistic satisfactions, what if we divulge and metamorphose into Nomad Forms.

Monday, November 4, 2013

My felt rugs...

Greetings nomadic readers of my blog. I poped up this weekend to some unusual yet common rugs. Winter's knocking on my bedroom doors and coldness starts to prevail.
And I found them. 3 matching rugs with neutral tone colors that enlighten our master bedroom's mood.
They are, as you may see, felt rugs, or rugs out of felt. What is felt? It is when you get 100% wool fibers and you form them by hand into the dedired shapes. No needle is required, only the palms of the hand (and sometimes feet).
Indeed three beautifully formed felt rugs. And now they lie on my bedroom floor warming us up.

Friday, October 18, 2013


The clock tics tic tac in the Corridor next room, wife goes to the market next door to get basic veggies, I brush my teeth in the bathroom next to the tic tac clock, suddenly I smell them, & they are fresh!!!
wife comes home seconds later to sit together & enjoy the beauty of a flamboyant taste.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Not a black/Gold Box..

It is not that black-Gold fancy sort of box.
As per se, it is our new tiny Hi Fi.
The sound, ummm, you have to visit us & hear it.
The least I Can say is, rocking the turntables.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Late night tea...

"Number 1 Dust" tea from Sri Lanka ia an indispensable hot drink to sip at 2.30 a.m. after a long enjoyable family gathering night. Some scented candles, and let the tea party start.
Love you Jade!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Back pained breakfast..

It is when you have a back pain and the doctor prescribes you medication  & 3 days to rest at home; when you are supposed to lose weight to lessen the back Pain; it is then when you go crazy.
Food is Good when it comes out of boredom. Some pictures stole the joyous moment of enjoying a lustful breakfast.
And nothing's left to share!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Back pain has its benefits!

After a doctor's visit because of a severe back pain, the doctor prescribes for me a week's rest home.
Yet at Dalleh's, pain comes with benefits. And here I am, dinning steak or "roulade AU moutarde de Dijon".
then the dessert, pictures explain by themselves.

Bon a petit!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Salade russe

Backed Potatos, eggs, sweet peas, green onions, carrots, pickeled cucumbers and toppes with grilled jambon de paris; that's what we call SALADE RUSSE!
And my wife prepared that for us, with a dash of love.
Yum yum.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Here's for a wonderful love

A beautiful day!
She wakes me up with her tender kiss. I shower up and brush the teeth.  I walk to the kitchen for a glass of water; and there she is, sitting and waiting for me behind the kitchen counter; with her sweet tender hands sewing a neatly prepared happy breakfast pans. The cup of freshly brewed hot coffee is next to her blissful meal.
What a beautiful day I lived; a beautiful life with my wonderful wife.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

On track to Sri Lanka -01

Boarding the qatari plane, we were alone sharing tender blinks with the plane's left side wing, as it hovers through lebanese territories. The pilot and the staff expressed extreme friendliness; the landing foamy and smooth.

Alas, waiting in a long long queue at Costa cafe in Doha intl airport, we managed to grab our foamy mocha along with their infamous blueberry muffin.

The barbie doll was sweet and tender, yet her sweetness was a mere reflection of my beautiful spouse, bride, wife Nardine ( revlon took part of the beauty role).

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Jadestic amusement. .

A beautiful Saturday morning is the one Nomad Forms spend with Their Jade, sipping a cup of black American coffee with sugar and crème along with a Jelly filled donut and munchkins.

Today we, nomad forms, had a beautiful Saturday. Special moments intertwined us in an everlasting dialogue of mental Sufism, progressing back and forth to summits of achievements, nevertheless, enjoying the beautiful sceneries on each and every step.

Friday, May 3, 2013


أعيذها نظرات منك صادقة..

Monday, April 29, 2013

Tiny winy operation..

Alas it was a success, yet the pain persists for some time.

One Nomad Forms author had undergone a tiny winy surgery, and thank God, it went smoothly with only local anesthesia.
May you recover from the surgery, cause I can never find a life's partner but you.

Baby Jade, get well soon!

Gucci II - the return of handsomeness

Again and again one cute Chihuahua
,Gucci, posses for Nomad Forms' Camera.
And they wonder of how Could a living creature acquire Such smartness and cuteness to the extent of attaining authority to sleep on the master bed.

Nomad forms are not being indulged in the process of ameliorating Gucci in words; rather, they want to help you formulate a Cutiliscious Gucci throughout the camera's lenses.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Puky-one innocent maltese

Behold puky, my fiancée's maltese bichon.
Puky is unique in that whenever I visit their house, he pees at the door threshold, most probably welcoming me.
That said, I have been searching since about the raisons d'etres of dogs welcoming their most beloved by pissing at the entrance door. Therefore, if any of you, nomadic readers, know why, please do inform me. All my shoes are turning yellow and I can't stop visiting them.

This is puky in the pictures.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

One Species' Ignorant Atrocities

It has been two days since the closure of one landmarked night club. Two days ago ignorance and atrocity transfigured in the characters of one ill mannered living species. And the reason was, ''we citizens of this striated state are manly and strong, homosexuality for us is an everlasting evil, and therefore it shall be eradicated''.
Indeed, those were the living species' rephrased words, or were they of a new blasphemous christ want_to_be. The irony is that the night club's closure came at the time whereby french lawmakers approved same sex marriage.
For once Nomad Forms thought they live in such a smooth state of the liberals and the free, the machinic state of free speech and of respect, the respect of human right that once crowned our state as its first advocate.
What a pity that we still have such living species in such a striated state.
Nomad Forms pity this species of bribery and treason, who pretends to be a creation of God. He who beholds all signs of corruption.
To such unfree man (species of the post above) Nietzche says:
He stands and harks: what does he hear?
What sound is ringing in his ear?
What struck him down? What mortal fear?
Who once wore chains, will always think
That he is followed by their clink.

To you unfree species, nomad forms say,
your feet smell dread
that you ought hide them from those around.
But eventually the smell will spread
and all higher forms will pursue you in abound.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Nomadising Beirut

Yesternight we implored our ghosts upon beirut's alleys. Wandering around, our city was being ghosticized by shadowy characters. It took us only some time to realize that those shadow are ours. And we saw it was beautiful. Our mobile cams managed to freeze instances and representations of this ghostlicized romanticizing interactions in a yet to be a nomadised city, and we its catalysts/nomadisers.
يا بيروت،الأشكال الرحل زاروكي مبارح ولعبوا بظلاليك وبأضوائك ضحكوا. بشوارعك مشيوا.تعشوا على ألحانك ولياليهن بيض بضو القمر.وجوهن فرحت بالرغم من قلة زوارك لكانوا قلال، قلال ﻷنن هني بس لحبوكي.بيتمنوا منكن اﻷشكال الرحل من الفرجة على صورن وهني وبي بيروت يلي فضيت شوارعها من كل الحؤدين. وما بيبئا الا المحبين.