Nomad Forms

Post-Systemism | Post-Post-Euclideanism -A morphogenesis into Nomad Forms- When we unlock the keys to jumping into parallel multiverses. When we can control our dreams, lucid dreams, and adapt them to our egoistic satisfactions, what if we divulge and metamorphose into Nomad Forms.

Friday, October 18, 2013


The clock tics tic tac in the Corridor next room, wife goes to the market next door to get basic veggies, I brush my teeth in the bathroom next to the tic tac clock, suddenly I smell them, & they are fresh!!!
wife comes home seconds later to sit together & enjoy the beauty of a flamboyant taste.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Not a black/Gold Box..

It is not that black-Gold fancy sort of box.
As per se, it is our new tiny Hi Fi.
The sound, ummm, you have to visit us & hear it.
The least I Can say is, rocking the turntables.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Late night tea...

"Number 1 Dust" tea from Sri Lanka ia an indispensable hot drink to sip at 2.30 a.m. after a long enjoyable family gathering night. Some scented candles, and let the tea party start.
Love you Jade!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Back pained breakfast..

It is when you have a back pain and the doctor prescribes you medication  & 3 days to rest at home; when you are supposed to lose weight to lessen the back Pain; it is then when you go crazy.
Food is Good when it comes out of boredom. Some pictures stole the joyous moment of enjoying a lustful breakfast.
And nothing's left to share!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Back pain has its benefits!

After a doctor's visit because of a severe back pain, the doctor prescribes for me a week's rest home.
Yet at Dalleh's, pain comes with benefits. And here I am, dinning steak or "roulade AU moutarde de Dijon".
then the dessert, pictures explain by themselves.

Bon a petit!