1Eden, God’s sacred place on earth as it is on heaven, soon your name shall be altered, but you shall embrace your new name, because it is as valuable as the beauty God appropriated once to you.
2Eden, tell me, how will you one day welcome a prince, to invade your soul, and to decode your essense. I, through linguistico-formal creation, declare that I shall claim my throne, only to crown a supreme being. Yes 3EdeN, your alpha and your omega, 2 of the purest letters had the power to sway the complex of minds and to unearth the deepest of souls. 2 letters-your N and your E- your end and my beginning, shall render her, crown of my soul, the supremest of beings.
4EdeN, I invade you with an H not to obtain blessings from your glory, but to ameliorate your queen, our queen, whom I shall bond with, crowning myself the king to level it up to my queen’s glory, inseminating an eternal H to your name.
On the 7th day we shall declare it with pride, as your new announced bride and groom utter your very essense of existence, and no more shall your name be 5Eden, but you shall be called: 6E’H’deN.
7Ehden! On the day of Perfection, welcome us in your glory, for you will be maginified and honored as your queen and king visit you, to dwell in your sacred temple, the temple once God made a wonderful spot on earth.