We currently live the golden age of civilization, or let's put it this way: Now we witness the age of Perfection. Neither anything that existed before nor what's coming later will provide such beneficial ameliorations to carbon-based human beings. We are living the best of all stages of mankind and universe. Beyond this point comes utter destruction (haven't we not discovered that E=mc2 ? ).
Hypothetically, it is the ordering of a disordered civilization that is eventually leading to its destruction.
but are we predestined to knowledge, the sort that carries destructive amenities in its confines?
the flower that releases scent, doesn't ask who will be the one to smell it. it is there to emit perfume and beautiful scents. When that flower seizes to emit scent, it seizes to become a flower.
Consequently, we, as socio-cultural carbon-based human beings, we are bound to the confines of attaining knowledge and truth. We cannot but search for truth, and when this search stops, we stop being humane, and hence society faces its a-civilization, hencefrth, utter destruction.

Looking in the mirror's reflection, would it be that dumbness might help civilization escape its doomsday?

as dazzeling as it may be, our thirst in quest for Reality above other realities could be a turn key for our survival. But then, are we predestined to uncover Reality? Are we permitted to unearth hidden forced socio-religio-cultural taboos? Are we allowed to split senses from feelings from beliefs and give way to knowledge to uncover the Fundamental Truths, which when connecting its simple dots, will reveal the sought Reality.
Per se, can arabs possess "Creative Souls".