Nomad Forms

Post-Systemism | Post-Post-Euclideanism -A morphogenesis into Nomad Forms- When we unlock the keys to jumping into parallel multiverses. When we can control our dreams, lucid dreams, and adapt them to our egoistic satisfactions, what if we divulge and metamorphose into Nomad Forms.

Friday, October 15, 2010

the "god multitude"

a kind person i know raised lately the following:

Gods, Gods,everywhere Gods! is......

without any further speculation, i was asked to explain my point of view towards the thing said.
nevertheless, i shall explain in arabic selecting latin characters to diffuse the dialect.

so back to our small story, al 7a2i2a bil ba7eth 3an l 7a2i2a lal ba3ed, ken w ba3do l ham l awwal. fa biniheyit l mataf byousalo l bashar ba3ed istislem tab3an, lal we2i3 yelli bi2oul moubashara: Ma fi 7a2i2a. Houwé lal mazbout, na3am ma fi 7a2i2a we7dé, li2ano fi ta3addoud 7a2ayi2 (there is no single truth but a multitude of truths and realities).
bas walekin, hal ba7eth 3an l 7a2i2a l we7dé (bil roghom min 3adam woujouda) dafa3 bil ba3ed la rabet l mawdou3 bil khali2. Fa sar wa ka2ano l khali2 mish we2i3, wa bil teli mish 7a2i2a (iza badde koun mou7amé l shitan, bitabi3it l 7al, eh allah mish 7a2i2a wala we2i3, bas iza kinna 3am nfattish 3an hal we2i3). 
kamen, hal scenario bi 7ikmo ghalat, la i3tibar wa7ad. inno l ba7eth 3an 7a2i2a mish malmousé, biwaddé la natijé salbiyyé.
fa bisir l mish we2i3 houwé 3adam l woujoud. bas walekin l bashar mawjoudin, w hayda we2i3, w hayda 7a2i2a.
faizan, 7a2i2it l woujoud hiyyé yelli bitwa7id 7a2i2it l khali2, w btifroud l we2i3 inno l khali2 woujid abel woujoud l 7a2i2a.

ma ken bikoun fi kon iza ma ken fi 3adam l kon. al woujoud ken mawjoud la farad ba3den 7a2i2to l azaliyyé.