Had the crusaders won over Saladin, what would have happened now. Would matter accumulate in space and time to give birth for the above ladies to form the scenario ditto.
Monday, December 7, 2009
what if the crusaders won..
Had the crusaders won over Saladin, what would have happened now. Would matter accumulate in space and time to give birth for the above ladies to form the scenario ditto.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Gibran Khalil Gibran_ from his book: Al Aawasif_ The Crucified Jesus
يسوع المصلوب
جبران خليل جبران "العواصف"
... الانسانيّة ترى يسوع الناصري مولودا كالفقراء عائشا كالمساكين مهانا كالضعفاء مصلوبا كالمجرمين فتبكيه وترثيه وتندبه وهذا كل ما تفعله لتكريمه.
منذ تسعة عشر جيلا والبشر يعبدون الضعف بشخص يسوع،
ويسوع كان قويّا ولكنّهم لا يفهمون معنى القوّة الحقيقيّة.
ما عاش يسوع مسكينا خائفا ولم يمت شاكيا متوجعا
بل عاش ثائرا وصلب متمردا ومات جبارا.
لم يكن يسوع طائرا مكسور الجناحين
بل كان عاصفة هوجاء تكسر بهبوبها جميع الاجنحة المعوجة.
لم يجىء يسوع من وراء الشفق الأزرق ليجعل الالم رمزا للحياة
بل جاء ليجعل الحياة رمزا للحق والحريّة.
لم يخف يسوع مضطهديه ولم يخش أعداءه ولم يتوجّع أمام قاتليه...
لم يهبط يسوع من دائرة النور الأعلى ليهدم المنازل ويبني من حجارتها الاديرة والصوامع، ويستهوي الرجال الاشداء ليقودهم قسوسا ورهبانا...
لم يجىء يسوع ليعلّم الناس بناء الكنائس الشاهقة والمعابد الضخمة في جوار الاكواخ الحقيرة والمنازل الباردة المظلمة, بل جاء ليجعل قلب الانسان هيكلا ونفسه مذبحا وعقله كاهنا.
هذا ما صنعه يسوع الناصري وهذه هي المباديء التي صلب لأجلها مختارا، ولو عَقُل البشر لوقفوا اليوم فرحين متهللين منشدين أهازيج الغلبة والانتصار...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Enjoy the ultimate of hen party in Stockholm|Sweden, but only at Fitnesslab (seeing is believing)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
... wahouwa ibn thalatha 3asharata..
-2oummi, haza l jabal allathi fawk you3jibouni
-na3am 2u7ibouho loubnan. 2atasawwarouna zata ghadin 2anti wa ana fi wa7idatin min kourahou hounak. issmouha,hmm... ya rab, ..ma ismouha?... mana... sana... kana... shay2 kahatha!
“wa yakoun 2an tatloubi minni ta7wil 3onsourin ila 3ounsourin 2akhar.
“wa 2arfoud
“waka2anni lastou ana allathi yakdir
“lakinnaki toul7ifin
“kayfa ta3rifin, ya oum, 2annani 2akeer
“watakoulina li:
“-wa7di ana 2a3rif. ama ana allati ilayha ja2a malakou l 3aliy wabasharaha bika?
“3ala annani 2ousirro. wa oukhatibaki ghayra rafi3in kilfatan. bibouroudatin. la «ya oummi…wa2innama bishay2in min jafaf.
“-lan af3al, 2akul, lakad takarrara, fawk fil sama2, baynana na7nu l thalatha, 2abi wal rou7 wa ana, 2an takoun l sa3a ghayr hazihi l sa3a.
“-siwa annaki tasroukhin
“-antom karrartom hatha. ana , LA. 2atloubou minka 2an toukharrib maw3id l sa3a.
“-limatha af3al? 2ali2anni ou7ibbouki akthar min l kalima l maktouba? 2ali2anna llah, min ajli l insan, ya3malou ma lam yakon marra wala bibali llah?”
... wa toughanni muda3ibatan sha3rahou fima takoun thukilat minhu l joufoun:
Nim, ya 7abibi, nim.
excerpts from Said Akl 's "Loubnan 2in 7aka".. a caption of a dialogue between two characters whose Identity shall be declared later on..
Friday, January 2, 2009
My Holiday ..
.. " I understand feeling as small and as insignificant as humanly possible. And how it can actually ache in places you didn't know you had inside you. And it doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get, or gyms you join, or how many glasses of chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends... you still go to bed every night going over every detail and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. And how in the hell for that brief moment you could think that you were that happy. And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he'll see the light and show up at your door. And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new. And you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again. And little pieces of your soul will finally come back. And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted, that will eventually begin to fade .. "
Iris ( Kate Winslet ) from the movie "The Holiday"
Ahoy lovely beings, active readers of my blog, the true nomad forms, the true nomadic swarms that hover all around the cyberspace in search of the altruism.
Let me wish you all a happy year, after covering two thousand and nine years since the birth of Christ ( but it is now de facto that Christ was born 6 years before our adopted two thousand and nine years in the Gregorian Calendar, but of course no one is capable to ulter the whole calender and reverse the whole time for 6 years. after all we, nomadic swarms, do all agree and assess that time is irreversible.. etc etc)
I won't talk much nor explain anything, but letting you read it again ( especially to those who haven't watched the movie yet), and let 2009 be that sun rays to shine upon you by the dawn of each day..
happy new year to you all and i'll be updating you soon with new "back-on-track" delights :)