Nomad Forms

Post-Systemism | Post-Post-Euclideanism -A morphogenesis into Nomad Forms- When we unlock the keys to jumping into parallel multiverses. When we can control our dreams, lucid dreams, and adapt them to our egoistic satisfactions, what if we divulge and metamorphose into Nomad Forms.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Fact leaves no doubt for possibilities...

What is a fact, what facts are architectural, and what are factual social networks that would build up into architectural facts.
Back to our virtual socially interactive networks discussed ditto-the Internet Relay Chat (IRC)- the first question that comes into mind is, is IRC a fact? Who are those users, clients, visitors, guests, we talk to. Are they real people, are they bots, virtual robots, guests that are generated algorithmically to react to certain keywords, or even to try to initiate any topic?
Or is IRC the 21st century ECHELON? Was it found to try to detect people online, to intercept their words on main channels, to breech their networks, to initiate virtual, yet faked social networks, that might end, maybe for some as being herself a victim of one foul romantic scammer whose girlfriend might have lately ditched him, and found revenge on irc? (Or he might turn up into a serial killer...). And what about him, that person who goes there out of boredom, to meet a whole new parallel reality, a reality which for once seems to be realer than the real, but it turns out to be just the perfect place for a romantic scam (I mentioned romantic scams as examples cause few of my friends were victims of such cases).
And what has architecture to do with IRC. What if IRC is a fact indeed, what if it leaves no doubt for possibilities, after all this is what a fact all about, to eliminate possibilities. Hence the hypothesis would go as such; if IRC is real, then 3D built virtual environments are real, therefore social interaction that was once found to flourish among the 1 Dimensional channels of its servers would add to the corroboration of such social interactions among the 3Dimensional and hence the (n-1) dimensions generated within the 3D architectural virtual space of the computer.
It goes without saying that unless IRC is not a fact, unless IRC leaves doubts for possibilities, then, architecture as we know is not real, and the only real architecture, that would relatively and asymptotically tend into becoming the for sought BWO, is the only “REAL” world we need to seek for, to beseech, to acquire, to develop and to cultivate in the sub-conscious minds of nomads.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"Realer than the real"

Architecture, a word whose contents exceeded those of simply mere buildings into the computer space itself. Indeed, there is computer architecture, dealing with the inner core of the computer. Very large scale integrations, designing the chips, those tiny elements we see hanging up on the circuit board. Chips brought together in that striated space of the computer core. Really fascinating the term architecture. But what if we adapt architecture to our daily interactions. What if we come one day to call, meeting yody, an architectural breakthrough (Yody is an amalgam of words generated herein to refer to any person X interacting with person Y (Y happens to be a nomad in this case) in the integrated space of the computer). Again, what if we come to call, meeting yody, an architectural breakthrough. What if we appropriated architecture to be integrated in any mere interaction between two people, X and Y, meeting online? If architecture is about the amelioration and the favouring of interaction or generating social interaction among living beings, then interacting with yody, online- in the computer’s cyberspace of the internet, is too an architectural innovation; not to say an architecturally generated interaction.
I know for the time being, the above tackled subject is simply considered of having no contextual linkage. Nevertheless, what if intertexuality is part or is considered as the major constituent in this interactive online architectural space. It seems true the hypothesis that generating textual derivatives for any social interaction online is in itself similar or part of the Rhizomatic assemblaging of an architectural wholeness. In other words, textual amalgams generated in any online dialogue, reveal in one way an architectural coherence to the real yet virtual environment of cyberspace. Hence making it for once realer than the real. To be later brought into assemblage in a unified whole architectonized space.
Referring back to the previous post, the above hypothesis would be an initiative to one day linking between the virtual space of the internet into a realer than real collaborative space whereby online interactions are merely part of a more global architectural networking.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Members of the nomadic swarm, I salute you all.
It’s been quite some time, almost three months since I last posted in my blogspot. But here I am again, and I shall be reiterating here every now and then more quite often.
But what have I been doing lately?
Work, work and work.
The first work is trying to attain what usually people in the world of architecture (business architecture) call, work experience. You go into the office from 9 till 6. You work and work. Sometimes you are an employer, at other times you are the manager of your own work. Sometimes you get introduced to crucial issues in the uncanny world of architecture. This is work 1.
The second kind of work is kind of an acculturation issue. What a better place to acculturate in than the Internet Relay Chat. Nevertheless, chatting on irc wasn’t a major concern, rather than the social ecology that keeps fascinating me till this time is what matters the most. But what is highly speculative in this web space is the people’s ability, from all over the world, different cultures, come to interact in one space, following one constitution, abiding by the same rules...all in all, one state. A war machine, an abstract machine, the State. But what if the war machine, this striated space is manipulated into a smooth state, a space not entangled by the rules, at least rules can exist, but only for the amelioration of the state. When can we not rely to verbosity to acculturate? It seems the feasibility of replacing a verbose interaction into a socio-spatial harmony of affects. Whereby one system affects the other, one user is affected by the system, and the user adds to the system, modifies it, upend it. Can it become a space of literally a physical matter? Can IRC become a hyperspace, whereby interaction is physical next to being verbose? In fact, we can remove the usage of verbose interaction from IRC, and it’ll just become a space, an entity, a rhizome, a form, a Rhizomatic form...I know my speculations are not tectonized by any rigid theory, at least not for the time being, nevertheless, as an advocate to Deleuze’s a Thousand Plateaus, any amendment later on is highly plausible.
As for the 3rd type of work I was indulged in, was just a competition, well in fact a priori lost competition. The Rifat al Chadirji competition. The rules to apply to the competition are that the university shall pick the diploma project that it thinks reflects a social dimension, i.e could be any place that directly addresses social issues in lebanon. I know, what an absurd word to ask for an architectural designer. I mean the word social by itself is not absurd, but, I still can’t figure that fact that there exist projects that are still not social, nor do they favour social interaction. Anyhow, after much discussion, I was allowed to present the project, not as a wining paper for the al Chadirji competition, but as later on a piece of work to be exhibited after the competition at the order of engineers and architects in Lebanon, in an attempt to pin-point or at least just initiate those who claim they know it all, about the existence of yet another form of architecture, rhizometecture, an architecture that is highly speculative on the post-tectonic architecture that is currently tantalizing the uncanny world of architecture. So it was sort of beneficial ;)
I shall not add more, but do have a peak at some panels of the senior project I exhibited. You’ll definitely enjoy this ARCHITECTURAL MASTURBATION.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Saluting my blogspot...

Hello all members of the nomadic swarm. It has been quite a time since I last updated you with latest rhizomatic speculations. But this is due to many "nomadic" commitments, starting from work, graduation commencement, intensified summer outgoings...
Of course, I shall be upgrading you all, writerly readers of the blog, with up-to-date information about my nomadic aberrations; but for the time being, just have a look at one small creature I recently adopted as my own.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Magna Cum Laude...

Magna Cum Laude...I heard it before, but now I comprehend its profound meaning. I can read it clear on my certificate, but I didn't understand why. Now I see, now I comprehend, now I really know what Magna Cum Laude refers to for an architect, a Rhizometect.

One phase accomplished...yet others should follow soon...
Ultimately, one final review, one presentation, one project, one hypothesis, one evaluation, one certificate...a success...what should never be left alone without the two. And I am working to accomplish it too.
Conclusively, diplomas and certificates are just a single premature stage in one’s quest for knowledge in the arborescent uncanny world of architecture. Concomitantly important are the Rhizomatic achievements that go with or precede those certificates. No need to mention that any certificate represents just a static momentum in the infinitely though compressed time and space. In the folds of spatio-temporal continuum we do unfold into multifaceted certificates, but the focal hub is what goes in between those static stages.
I won’t evaluate much cause evaluations are just summarizations, but do look below at a remarkable real life example of one static momentum mentioned ditto.

Friday, March 16, 2007

I am back...on the track...

Senior Project final next to come...
It has been almost 90 days since I last posted on this blog but now I am back on the track.
In the uncanny world of architecture, pragmatism and radicalism are always in a fight, in an everlasting fight to power, to rule,...but in this fight aesthetics is a loser.
Again Hey all, writerly readers of thy nomadic blog. First you will all wonder where have I been all this time. The fact is that I graduated 1 week before Christmas, and I managed to upload in the previous post some images of my final senior project. (more exhaustive images are to be posted later this week, and this is final)
Nevertheless, and before advancing more in my "rhizomatic" academic quest for knowledge to progressing to a master's degree , I sought the chance of indulging in some practical real life work. As a result, I worked since January and for around 2 months in an architectural office developing real life projects(well mainly experimenting on 3Ds, elevations, plans, details...bla bla bla). Below is an image of the active staff at my workplace (the poor image quality is due to it being shot by a mobile device)

From Left to Right:

Rana, Hisham abi rached, Ziad, Me , Roland, Ghassan, Jean
Though we are all knocking down our heads, but fear nothing, it's not mourning

When the staff knew about posting their image on this blog, they demanded I add small hints about each character, so here they are (those of you not interested in passive information, can omit this section cause it is primarily descriptive).

Rana: funny, but mostly agitated upon mentioning her beloved one. She is active but calm. The only girl in the Atelier (besides the secretary of course).

Hisham abi rached: A Chevalier, in all literally means. He is easily adaptable to working environments. He likes to be called "The Boss"

Ziad: Head of the Atelier. Calm and deeply thoughtful. Friendly, but don't be a wise guy when he's around.

Me-Rhizometct: I can't define myself of course. But What the staff unanimously speak about me:
Providential are those who work with rhizometect, for a two month work with him is aggrandized as if it was a year. We never get tedious from him around.

Roland: To graduate as an architect on the coming july. A dynamic person but who considers one's life amusements as equal or greater than work itself (in fact he introduced me to snowboarding).

Ghassan: He came on my last day at office. So i know nothing about him(sorry)

Jean: funny and pure hearted person. An addict to the standardized norms in architecture (most of the stuff is), but troubles himself in issues that are considered secondary and sometimes of no importance.

Also not to forget mentioning Joe, the one who shot the image. To graduate on the coming July, Joe likes to harass the staff, but it is just a matter of hours when he approaches you and confesses of his pure heartedness. So all in all, he does create a laughing atmosphere at the workplace.